Officially A Druid

Kat Fenton
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

I’m starting with the small changes

Photo by Igor Son on UnSplash

And it’s done wonders! If you read my last post, you’ll know that I originally joined the AODA as part of my new years resolution to be sustainable. But after only a month, it’s turned out to be better for me than just that. Honestly, it’s incredible how 10 minutes of meditation in the morning clears your head and gets you ready for the day. Not to mention the extra 15 minutes of fresh air before I hide myself in my office for the next 9 hours.

My new book adventures have influenced me to start identifying the plants in my neighborhood. I’ve even finished my first little 30 page book (btw Barnes & Nobles Press will print your books for under $5 per book). To be honest though, it hasn’t been all sunshine and roses.

My efforts to start a kitchen compost ended up in a smelly mess. So instead I’ve done a bit of research and decided to save my veggie scraps in the freezer. This way I can use them to make vegetable stock! Who knew? I also attempted to start some veggies and herbs inside but only about half of them have sprouted. For my other beginner gardeners, I recommend tomatoes. Literally every single one of those seeds sprouted. I do not recommend lavender. The exact opposite happened with those.

As for my classes, I decided not to do embroidery since I don’t have the time, I successfully took my first one: Native Plants in American Gardens: A Brief History from The Native Plant Trust. It was incredibly eye opening! The fight for use of native plants in gardens has an incredible past wrought with racism. Yes, gardeners actually thought PLANTS cared about race! I highly recommend checking out this class if they decide to host it again. My next class will be a foraging class for native edibles.

Thank you for taking the time to follow along with me on my journey! I hope you’ll give me a clap and maybe a follow so I’ll continue to see you around down the road :)

